Case Study

Validated effects of tamsulosin in a patient

The patient

A 71-year-old male patient presented with a weak urinary stream and was prescribed tamsulosin to help treat his symptoms. The patient began taking the medication on day 3 of using Emano Flow.

The results

Emano Flow allowed the patient and provider to see real-time results that showed an increase in average max flow rate (Qmax) from 10.0 ml/s to 16.8 ml/s after starting tamsulosin.

The impact

The notable increase in Qmax provided objective proof that the medication was working. This in turn:

• Boosted both patient and physician confidence in their treatment decision

• Yielded high patient satisfaction

• Saved clinical time

"It was easy to use. I began using Emano Flow before starting the medication, and after three days I started taking the medication. [Dr. Butler] could see that. He could see in the results that the medication did help."
Sam |  Patient, age 71

"This is the first time I could see real-world, real-time data supporting our treatment decision beyond the subjective report from the patient."
Dr. Butler |  Urologist

Patient app recording sound of urination
Emano Flow

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